P-04-333 Stop neglect and abandonment of horses and ponies by enforcement of microchipping laws – Correspondence from the petitioner to the Committee, 24.06.2013


Mr. William Powell AM

Chairman of the  Petitions Committee

National Assembly for Wales


CF99 1NA


Dear Mr. Powell,


Many thanks for updating us on our Petition which is being discussed by your Petitions Committee and forwarding copies of letters of 17th April from Alun Davies AM and 26th May from the Rt. Hon. Owen Patersdon MP.


We are aware of progress being made in enforcing the Micro-chipping laws and dealing with 'Fly Grazing' and look forward to the findings following analysis of the responses  of the Public Consultation on Fly Grazing which closed on 29th April.


The letter from the Rt. Hon. Owen Paterson MP is encouraging in that the Government is in favour of a Single Passport Issuing body and we sincerely hope that in drafting new regulations lessons have been learnt from the failings and non- enforcement of current legislation.


As an Equine Welfare Charity we ask that Ministers consider that in drafting new regulations and amending the current Animals Act that they consider the following points:


Mandatory Passports and micro-chips for all equines including those born before July 2009 and which is overseen by one competent authority with more stringent checks on passports requiring the sale of an equine to be notified to the Passport Issuing body (as with Motor Vehicles to DVLA)

Not only would this make tracing equines more efficient but essential in the event of a disease outbreak.


The Registration of Stallions; which would in effect protect Native breeds on Commons and reduce indiscriminate breeding  by irresponsible individuals producing unwanted poor quality equines  (many inter-bred) of no or little monetary value and causing massive welfare issues including 'fly grazing'


Heavier penalties for neglect of equines.


Amendment to the current act to enable the local authorities and land owners more scope to act quickly to address 'fly grazing'


As an established and well respected Equine charity that has been working in this area of South Wales for nearly forty years we have in recent years seen abuse and neglect on a record scale and our resources are fully stretched in taking in so many abused and neglected horses and ponies.  With many foals being born this summer we must be prepared for yet another bad winter. We are grateful to the Petitions Committee in helping us persue our aims.


Yours most sincerely,


Sian Lloyd


The Society for The Welfare of Horses and Ponies